
Archive for January, 2006

新年快乐!爷病了… ;(

January 29, 2006 4 comments
没错,爷还是在继续偷用邻居的wireless network, 看来生病是一种报应吧… :p
Categories: Personal

The Return of Robbie “God” Fowler

January 28, 2006 1 comment
The prophecy has it that he will return someday, and now he is finally back, the much adored god of merseyside, Robbie Fowler!
Fowler admitted that it’s a dream come true for him to be able to wear the famous red shirt again and walk out of Anfield touching the "This is Anfield" plague.
Fowler has been a Liverpool player since the age of 11, and I believe any fans will be glad to see him retire back at the place he belongs.
And we certainly hope this will be another signing that will spark Liverpool on the run of another trophy laden years to come.
PS: Fowler has been handed the number 11 jersey in the team.
Categories: Sports

The Chronicles of Narnia

January 26, 2006 4 comments

Been really busy for the past week, all meeting frens, running between Spore and Msia, until my dad and mom called to check where am I, cos I haven’t had dinner with them since coming back from China. :p

Luckily they know their son well enuf to be able to guess that I’m busy catching up with frens, and I finally had a simple family dinner with them yesterday… 😉

Started playing "Sacred Underworld" ever since coming back, and kinda got hooked to it at the moment, spending about 5-6 hours a day on the game, so all of you can guess how little sleep I’m getting with the gatherings and game playing all packed together.

My godsister Yvonne said "The Chronicles of Narnia" is too good to miss, and decided to pay for the movie ticket for me, so I went watching movie with her(she is watching it for the 2nd time). The show feels like a mini LOTR, which obviously was to my taste, even if it is not as grand as LOTR.

It’s definitely a very philosophical movie, and is worth watching, whether christians or not. We don’t necessarily have to be thinking along the lines of christianity to be able to appreciate the movie itself.

And the reason why she is so keen for me to watch it is cos the movie is about christianity. The two of us have a long history of engaging in religious arguments, and she is still trying real hard to convert me, which I believe will be to no avail… sorry Vonne… ;p

Stealing my neighbour’s wireless connection now. May god forgive me for "stealing"… 阿弥陀佛…

Categories: Personal

3rd Day at home.

January 18, 2006 4 comments
Been home for the 3rd day and most of my time was spent with Youping, my fren who was down with cancer, but recovering now.
She has slim down a lot due to the operation, but looks sooooo attractive being so slim… ;p
The only thing I dislike about home is that there is virtually no internet connection(I don’t consider dialup as a REAL connection), so I gotta go to my sis or my dad’s place to get hi-speed internet.
Been eating a lot since I touched down, and despite the sweltering heat, I’m still enjoying life over here… it’s only gonna be a month anyway, what the heck…
Going down to Orchard Road later to breath some real Singapore air… and I won’t be updating my blog that often due to the inconvenience…
Happy Chinese New Year to all, should I not be able to greet you personally online when the day comes! 😀 ciao!
Back from Orchard Rd, after meeting my best fren.
Was loitering around Wisma Atria when I bump into my dear sister Karen. Had tea with her, and then shop around Orchard. After that, met my best fren TK, and during dinner, saw my niece Elcee. Apparently, it’s a day for bumping into people…
Meeting Peisi & Shiyun tomorrow. Going to Southern College… shack… no rest since touching down…
Categories: Personal

回家!Home sweet home!

January 15, 2006 6 comments
终于熬到回家的日子了… 这辈子第一次想家,感觉好奇怪。其实最想的就是家乡的美食。
Singapore, here I come!!!! hahaha…
PS:刚看了天气预报,新加坡未来十天都是雨天!!!不过肯定没有上海冷… 🙂
Categories: Personal

我爱 Nokia!

January 13, 2006 5 comments
Categories: Personal


January 12, 2006 5 comments
这种边看连续剧边写论文的日子真是非常不好,进度极慢… 而且有时写出来的东西还狗屁不通,简直“冇眼台”… 回头修改时还能嘲笑自己的烂文章…
总之,今天是解放的日子,值得庆祝!刚跟 mei 聊天,她也是今天考完,也在兴奋中…哈哈哈,大家都高兴,真好!:D
Categories: Personal


January 11, 2006 1 comment
晚上和毛毛吃晚餐,然后到夏朵聊个痛快。看来夏朵不适合多人一起去,少人才能聊起来呐!聊什么都忘了,就记得那个女博士的笑话。这也是秘秘跟我说的:话说有两个女生在复旦的研究生宿舍吵了起来,吵到一半,其中一个就说:“你是博士吧?”另一个就说:“我不是,你才是博士吧!”然后两个就开始继续吵:“你是博士!” “你才是博士!”……
在中国有个说法:世上有三种人—— 男人、女人、女博士…
Categories: Personal


January 9, 2006 4 comments
昨天和秘秘、卿卿、蕾蕾、果冻一起吃晚餐,为了欢送秘秘回家。吃了武东餐厅之后,又到夏朵喝饮料…那里环境是好的,可几个人就是聊不起来,也不知为什么…该是秘秘要走了,大家心里都难过吧… 呵呵,秘秘,够给面子了吧!
写了一篇论文之后,又堕落了三天,现在还剩两篇论文,但是没得再堕落了,明天就到期了,一定得交了…还好已经写了一半,应该应付得来… 最近一直暴食暴饮,可能因为论文的关系,心里总压着一点东西,快活不起来,再熬一熬,过两天就快活啦!
Categories: Personal

Bird Flu in Turkey…

January 8, 2006 2 comments
Saw on every news website that Bird Flu H5N1 has been detected in Turkey. While taking in the seriousness of the news, a funny idea came to mind as well.
Did those writing the news thought about the possibility of these reports being misinterpreted as bird flu being detected in turkey(a bird), instead of Turkey(a country)? Let’s for once skip the grammar rule about capital letters for country names.
Think about it, it’s entirely possible that turkeys get infected with bird flu anyway, and we can understand the headlines as trying to tell us this: Hey guys, it’s official. bird flu is not exclusively for chickens now, it’s also for turkeys!
Chicken has been the main victim of bird flu so far, and it’s high time other birds take some responsibilities that my favourite bird has been bearing for the bird community. In bird language, the chickens have been trying to say: pok pok pok pok pok…
Categories: Personal